Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year, Time to Update Your Passport?

Take a look at your passport. When does it expire? Is this the year you need to renew it? If so, the first step would be to have a new photo taken. And if your passport is from a foreign country, you're going to be hard pressed to find someone who can provide you with photos that conform to your home government's standards (typically measured in millimeters, not inches).

The good news, is that if you're in the central Florida area, you can call Newsome's Studio of Photography at 813-968-2810 and be in and out in less than ten minutes with sharp, professionally-lit images that measure perfectly to your government's passport photo specs.

Located in North Tampa's Main Street Plaza, at 10012 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Suite 219 Newsome's Studio can accommodate passport photo requests from ANY foreign country (over 50 different countries in just the last five years).

Foreign Passport Photos Photographer, Tampa

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Canadian Permanent Residency Photographer, Tampa

So, it's time to apply for your Canadian Permanent Residency status, eh? Well, the photo you're going to need better be perfect, because the Canadian government can be rather picky on such things.

First off, don't bother going to the drug store for your photo, they can only do US passport size (2x2 inch). What you're going to need is 35mm x 45mm, and the head size must fall within 25-30mm as well. You know how small a millimeter is? Of course you do, you're from Canada! Pretty tight specs, eh?

Get it right the first time. Go to Newsome's Studio of Photography, located at 10012 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Suite 219, Tampa (in Carrollwood) and you'll be in and out with your clearly lit, perfectly exposed, very sharp images (set of two), that are cut and sized to the exact specifications of the Canadian government. Call 813-968-2810 today.