Saturday, August 4, 2018

"Preferred Passport Photographer" in Tampa

The consulates of some countries keep a list. It's a list of photographers that they refer their citizens to for creating their passport photo that is guaranteed to pass their strict specifications.

Not all passport photos are created equal. The US is one of only three countries still using the Imperial Measurement System. The rest of the planet is on the Metric System, thus, their passport photos are measured in millimeters, not inches. If you're a citizen of Canada, the UK, Australia, Greece, or any number of other foreign countries, your passport photo might be 35x45mm, 50x70mm, 40x60mm, or even 33x48mm. The drug stores can't do this, they can only do 2x2 inches (51x51mm).

Newsome's Studio has been one of a VERY few photographers in the entire state of Florida who is on the preferred passport photographer list of SEVERAL foreign countries, and we got that way by doing it correctly over a very long period of time.

Newsome's is located at 10012 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, Suite 219, Tampa, FL and can accommodate your foreign passport photo requests in less than ten minutes.

By appointment only... 813-968-2810.